Thursday, 18 July 2002

r a n d o m t h o u g h t s

To get myself into the habit of writing and formulating a more concrete opinion of the world around me I'm going to start posting thoughts, ideas, musings.

Anyway until I find my voice properly, I'm just going to start posting bullet points and random blocks of text so they don't get lost in the ether between my ears! I won't say that any of it will make any sense to anyone but me, and I like to play Devil's Advocate and take a peek at things from the other side.

"And it loses the intellectual tradition it could otherwise keep because it promotes men of emotion rather than thoughtfulness. You can tell a man of emotion on modern television because he jabs his finger faster than anybody could if he was simultaneously doing anything even minimally thoughtful like multiplying 23 by 11. Revolve your finger and try it. That is also how politicians lose debates on television..." Norman Macrae

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