Sunday, 27 March 2011

Fat Rascals

Finally got round to making some Fat Rascals last night. They are a throw-back to when I used to live in York and visit Betty's café tea rooms. You can get them delivered, but it's a pricey way to feed my habit on a regular basis. So I've decided to try making them.

So the hunt for a recipe revealed that not all rascals are equal, but I ended up following this recipe by James Martin on the BBC site. Well, sort of! I had no currants, sultanas or citrus rind so I substituted with lots of fat raisins. I also switched the cream for buttermilk.

For some reason Betty's always embellish their rascals with cheeky glacé cherries and almonds so it seemed wrong not to do the same...

Despite the shortage of dry ingredients the end result was delicious. No more mail order needed to feed my illicit rascal habit. Don't think they will last long!

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