So Sunday I got the bit between my teeth. I've been eyeing up this nasty brick mess ever since we moved in and last weekend was its day of reckoning.
This was back of the house last spring.
There's not a great deal going for it and the faux wood UPVC windows just add insult to injury. Can't do anything about them, the wall, however, is a different story. Now normally I wouldn't dream of painting a lovely brick wall, but seriously this needed to go.
The purple garden walls were also on the day's hit list.
I threw in a bit of demolition into the mix and took out the water butt as well. That's going to be relocated to the far end of the garden with the compost heap.
No going back now!
A quick word about prep. I brushed the walls down and got rid of as much dirt, dust, and moss as possible. I then painted the walls with a 1:5 mix of PVA glue and water. This helps to seal the brick and make it less porous so it doesn't soak up all the paint.
After the first coat.
I managed to get two coats on before I had to call it a day. It needs at least one more coat, but I've put everything back for now as it's going to be a week or two before I get chance to finish this job.
I'm really happy with the result. What took me so long?! Shame the conservatory roof isn't as straight forward to sort out. It's still a hot mess.
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